Hi, I am a largely self taught programmer and you are welcome to browse my hobby work including the code for this web site. I intend to put the source for all the "Hidden" server side code in the "Programming" section of this site together with an Excel macro program "SSS.xls" and its code. See the programming section for more details.
I am also responsible the the programming used to produce the definitive Building Price Book "LAXTON'S"
My programming commenced in the very early days of computers, in those days programming was largely at machine level and I did have a little training in that. I progressed to some weird and wonderfull machines and then bought myself a BBC micro so that I could play at programming. I taught myself the machine code for that as well as the inbuilt "Basic" programming language. From there I went on to teach myself various programming languages including the "Macro" programming language "Visual Basic" used by Microsoft in their Office suite of programs (Word, Excel, Access etc), as this was based on the generic "Basic" language this was not too big a step. I then decided, just a few month ago, that I ought to try my hand at a web page to try and promote my holiday home in Florida. I had, for my own interest, drawn a map of the surrounding area on the BBC micro's successor (The Archimedes) and have spent quite some time translating that into a bitmap image suitable for uploading to my web site. I feel this contains a host of useful information all collected into one place and useful for anyone visiting central Florida.
I still use the Archimedes computer for all my emails as, being completely non standard, it is completely immune to all PC and Mac based viruses. (It is based on the same processor as that used in most modern mobile phones but uses an operating system called "Risc OS"). Although this computer is now more of a musem piece being over 15 years old, it is still going strong.
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