Be amazed by what SSS can do for you!

It's free, download it and try it today

Download SSS.xls here

SSS is a program written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) which shows some of the possibilities of this programming language when used in Excel. A copy of Excel is required to run this workbook.

I believe this program displays some unique attributes and is well worth a look. As stated before I hate malitious programms and as such all the code in this Excel VBA macro program is fully viewable. To check this out simply disable the macros when it loads and view the code. However, this may spoil some of the delight at what the program manages to achieve, so as not to spoil things any further I will say no more now. There is a link below to further information but you will need the password from the workbook to be able to use this link.

Download SSS.xls

To access further information:
Enter password: and

(You can, of course, cheat:

Get the password by examinining the code used to build this web site'' see the Web Site page.

Download SSS.xls and examine that without running it)

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